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March 27, 2024

The Blue Angels' Formula for Success: Humility, Gratitude, and Trust

The Blue Angels' Formula for Success: Humility, Gratitude, and Trust


In the realm of high-performance teams, the Blue Angels, the U.S. Navy's elite flight demonstration squadron, stand as a shining beacon of excellence. Their breathtaking aerial maneuvers, impeccable teamwork, and unwavering commitment to safety have captivated audiences worldwide for decades. But what lies behind the Blue Angels' unwavering success? As explored in episode 314 of the Partnering Leadership podcast (https://www.partneringleadership.com/314-leading-excellence-greg-wooldridge-s-leadership-secrets-as-the-blue-angels-only-3-time-command/), three core values – humility, gratitude, and trust – form the bedrock of their exceptional performance.

Humility as the Foundation for Exceptional Performance

At the heart of the Blue Angels' culture lies humility. They understand that success is not the result of individual brilliance but rather a collective effort where every member plays a vital role. This humility keeps them grounded, prevents complacency, and allows them to continuously learn and grow.

The Power of Gratitude in Building Cohesive Teams

Gratitude is an essential ingredient in the Blue Angels' team dynamics. They recognize and appreciate the contributions of every member, regardless of their rank or role. By expressing gratitude, they foster a sense of belonging and ensure that everyone feels valued and respected. This creates a positive environment where individuals are motivated to support each other and go the extra mile.

Trust as the Catalyst for Continuous Improvement

Trust is the linchpin that holds the Blue Angels together. They trust in the abilities of their fellow pilots, their support team, and their leadership. This trust allows them to take risks, innovate, and push the boundaries of their performance without fear of failure. Trust also enables them to engage in open and honest debriefings, which are crucial for continuous learning and improvement.

Selecting Team Members Based on Character and Humility

The Blue Angels place a strong emphasis on selecting team members not only for their technical skills but also for their character. They seek individuals with high levels of humility, integrity, and a genuine desire to contribute to the team's success. By prioritizing character over technical proficiency, they build a foundation for a cohesive and supportive environment.

Fostering a Psychologically Safe Environment for Openness and Ownership

The Blue Angels recognize that a psychologically safe environment is essential for open communication and constructive criticism. They encourage their members to speak up, share ideas, and question the status quo without fear of judgment or retribution. This openness creates a culture where individuals feel empowered to take ownership of their work and contribute effectively to the team's goals.

Embracing Vulnerability and Transparency for Breakthrough Improvements

Vulnerability and transparency are not often associated with high-performing teams. However, the Blue Angels understand that embracing vulnerability and being transparent about mistakes is crucial for continuous improvement. They recognize that vulnerability allows them to learn from their errors, identify areas for improvement, and grow as a team.

The Dangers of Cockiness in Leadership and the Importance of Humility

Cockiness is the antithesis of humility and a major threat to high performance. The Blue Angels leaders are acutely aware of the dangers of cockiness and actively work to foster a culture of humility throughout the organization. They understand that humility keeps them grounded, open to feedback, and continuously striving for improvement.


The Blue Angels' success is a testament to the power of core values such as humility, gratitude, and trust. By embracing these values, they have created a high-performance team that consistently exceeds expectations and inspires awe in audiences around the world. The lessons learned from the Blue Angels can be applied to any organization or team that seeks to achieve exceptional results through a culture of respect, collaboration, and continuous improvement.