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276 Selling Your Ideas Through the Power of Storytelling with John Livesay | Partnering Leadershi...

John Livesay, The Pitch Whisperer and author of best-selling books, including Better Selling Through Storytelling and The Sale is In the Tale, joins Mahan Tavakoli on the Partnering Leadership podcast to share his insights on storytelling for leaders. In the conversation, John Livesay shares practical techniques to craft compelling stories that motivate teams, win business, and drive change.  Additionally, John provides memorable examples and easy-to-apply storytelling frameworks, including the 3Cs model and four-part story structure.


Storytelling Takeaways from This Episode:

- Telling your origin story and values-in-action stories to establish trust 

- Structuring pitches around client-focused stories, not just facts

- Using analogies and vulnerability to smoothly guide teams through change

- Capturing relatable stories from your team to build connection and brand loyalty

- Applying the "5-5-5" model to reframe challenges and build resilience rapidly

- Practicing consistently to hone your skills as a persuasive communicator



Connect with John Livesay

 John Livesay Website (https://johnlivesay.com/)

John Livesay on LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/in/jlivesay/)

The Sale is In the Tale on Amazon  (https://www.amazon.com/Sale-Tale-John-Livesay/dp/B09R3GF5MT/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr=)

Connect with Mahan Tavakoli:

Mahan Tavakoli Website (https://mahantavakoli.com/)

Mahan Tavakoli on LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/in/mahan/)

Partnering Leadership Website (https://www.partneringleadership.com/)