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CEO Excellence: The Six Mindsets That Distinguish the Best Leaders from the Rest with Carolyn Dewar

In this episode of Partnering Leadership, Mahan Tavakoli speaks with Carolyn Dewar. Carolyn is a Senior Partner at McKinsey & Company, McKinsey's Global Practice Leader for CEO & Board Excellence, and co-author of the book CEO Excellence: The Six Mindsets That Distinguish the Best Leaders from the Rest. In the conversation, Carolyn Dewar shared how the authors identified the world's highest-performing CEOs using empirical data and determined the six mindsets that set the best apart. The six mindsets are Corporate Strategy (focus on beating the odds), Organizational Alignment (manage performance and health), Team and Processes (put dynamics ahead of mechanics), Board Engagement (help directors help the business), External Stakeholders (center on the long-term "why?"), and Personal Working Norms (do what only you can do). Carolyn Dewar also went over some of the critical practices of CEO excellence and what organizational leaders need to consider as they plan for the future of work.