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How to Lead and Innovate by Learning from The Amazon Way with John Rossman

#GlobalThoughtLeader #LeadershipGreaterWashington #WashingtonDC #DMV

In this episode of Partnering Leadership, Mahan Tavakoli speaks with John Rossman, Author of The Amazon Way book series, and managing partner and business advisor on strategy, leadership, and innovation at Rossman Partners. John talks about many lessons leaders can learn from the rationale behind Amazon's 14 leadership principles. John Rossman also shares his experience and advice on navigating and leading through disruption.

Some highlights:

-John Rossman on how Amazon integrated its leadership principles into the organization's culture.

-The balance between the kind of organization leaders want and the organization's current reality.

-John Rossman speaks about operational excellence and its relevance to innovation.

-How the right approach to operational metrics can support risk-taking and innovation.

-John Rossman on the value of experimentation even when those experiments lead to failure.

-Why Amazon is a writing culture and how it helps teams with clarity and sound decision-making.

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