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The 5 Core Essentials for Leading Through Uncertain Times with Larry Robertson

In this episode of Partnering Leadership, Mahan Tavakoli speaks with Larry Robertson, innovation advisor, founder of Lighthouse Consulting, and author of three award-winning books, including his most recent, Rebel Leadership: How to Thrive in Uncertain Times. Larry Robertson shares insights from his first two books about entrepreneurship and creativity. Larry shares why he focused his third book on Leadership, specifically on leading through uncertainty. In the conversation, Larry Robertson shares five core principles of effective Leadership in uncertain times, including the importance of leading with soul.

Some highlights:

- Larry Robertson’s childhood growing up in a household that encouraged inquiry

- A Deliberate Pause, and why entrepreneurship is not a choice.

- Stu Kaufman’s ‘the adjacent possible’ and the untapped creative potential in every single person

- Larry Robertson on leading during uncertain times

- Debunking the ‘heroic leader’ myth

- Why soul matters in Leadership

- Larry Robertson on why organizational culture makes or breaks an organization

- The future of work and how to navigate ongoing uncertainty

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