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Your Most Important Number: Increase Collaboration, Achieve your Strategy, and Execute to Win

In this episode of Partnering Leadership, Mahan Tavakoli speaks with Lee Benson, Founder of Execute to Win (ETW) and author of Your Most Important Number: Increase Collaboration, Achieve Your Strategy, and Execute to Win. In the conversation, Lee Benson shares his origin story, from his early days as a musician to his rise as a successful CEO, and the inspiration that led him to start ETW. Lee then breaks down the concept of value creation, showing its three forms and how focusing on it can significantly improve an organization's culture and results. Next, using clear examples, Lee Benson explains how companies can set up operating systems that bring teams together and keep everyone focused on creating value. Wrapping up the episode, Lee Benson shares practical advice on overcoming obstacles and setting up effective value-creation systems in all types of organizations.